Maldives on Windows Vista!

Most people who use Windows XP can remember the particular set of pictures that comes bundled with the default install - we see it everytime we open the My Pictures folder. Windows Vista comes with a larger number of photos, some for use as Desktop Wallpapers and some just categorized as Sample pictures. I was setting my desktop wallpaper today when I noticed something I hadn't noticed before - an eerily familiar looking picture. A quick look at the photo's properties revealed why it had set off bells in my head - there it was in the photo title: "A dock at sunset on White Sands Island in the Maldives". It was a picture from the Maldives! Specifically, it was a picture from the White Sands Resort, which I had just been to last year.

As a Maldivian, I think we'd all feel warm and fuzzy seeing this picture distributed with Vista and maybe used as a desktop on Microsoft's new desktop range. ;-)

A dock at sunset on White Sands Island in the Maldives - Photographer: Angelo Cavalli.


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