Thank Goat for the milk

Apparently we humans are the only mammalians kinky enough to drink the milk produce from animals other than our own species. Cow's milk is squeezed out of their udders everyday all year around to feed the millions who are hungry for a little bit of milk. I used to be one of those consumers, drinking dairy milk since I was young like everyone else but as I grew older it started making me queasy and vomitish. Eventually, I bid farewell to raw milk, powdered milk, cheese, milk rich cakes and everything else with cow's milk including my beloved yoghurts. I realized that I must have either a milk allergy or had possibly become lactose intolerant.

I had tried a few of the milk alternatives (often used by vegans), namely soy milk and rice milk, but none of it appealed to my taste buds. I had been off milk almost entirely until few weeks ago when I decided to give goat's milk a go. I was pleasantly surprised to find that its actually pretty good! Needless to say, goat's milk cartons have since managed to earn a comfy spot in my fridge. It tastes as good, has almost the same nutrient composition as that which the cows eject out of their mammary glands and most importantly it doesn't give me any bit of trouble. So here's to the goats and their milk. If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be drinking this cup of "kiru sai". Thank you!


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