Exam time

Eeeeeks. My exams start tomorrow! I have 6 exams with one almost everyday till the beginning of the following week. First up tomorrow is my electronics module and I am pseudo-ready for it. Wish me luck. I probably will need it! :-P

All of my course-work/project-work for the various modules were finally completed and handed in this week as per our assignments schedule. The assignments all fetch a healthy chunk of our final grade. I am being optimistic about them though and expect to be in the clear in all course work matters.

Sadly, the end of exams doesn't mean I can relax on study matters as more lectures and work continue after the exam till the end of June and they are said to be critical for next year. Well, so much for post-exam celebrations. Sigh. Anyway, I suppose I shall be travelling back to Male' around early July.



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