Busy (with uni)

Quite a bitta time since I last blogged! University resumed on the 15th after a month of break for winter holidays and I've been just swamped with work. Well, that or more likely my effort to, for once in my life, shift into the "normal" sleep-wake cycle is turning sour and leaving me drained and vegetative.

This semester at uni should be quite interesting but is fully loaded with various coursework and projects. Of most interest to me is the mobile robot which we will be building over the next few weeks as part of the engineering applications module. Once we create the microcontroller based electronic circuits that power the robot, we will add the locomotive mechanisms and tackle programming the software that would make it do whatever magic we aspire it to do. A bit of artificial intelligence added to it will make it slightly more "intelligent" and interesting than say a computer mouse or perhaps as smart as some random primitive insect. We continue on with the neural networks module this semester and I have yet to tackle the second coursework for the module which requires building an application that uses multilayer perceptron (artificial neural networks). I am quite looking forward to the new set of lectures on AI concepts, which I reckon would keep my eyes open during the lecture unlike the neuroscience lectures which I have already had some unfortunate shut-eye moments. I sure am glad there aren't any electronics/circuits module this semester - we had a surplus of them last semester :s

Anyway, it’s the time of year when I realise that exams are only a few months away and that I have a lot of read and prepare for. Sigh. On second thought, I guess I can afford a few more months before I need to panic! Wish me luck :-P


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